Players will find themselves interacting with Stray's world and inhabitants throughout their gameplay sessions.
The storyline explains that all of the game's citizens are robots and the main character, a brave feline, is able to uncover exactly what happened to its new companion known as B-12.
Well, along the way, players can unlock memories, do things a cat would do, and simply soak in the wonderful world Stray has delivered. Most of these events unlock a Trophy, including "Cat-a-strophe," which involves playing Mahjong.
How to unlock the "Cat-a-strophe" Trophy by playing Mahjong in Stray
The option to play Mahjong with some of the robots in Antvillage comes in Chapter 9 of Stray. Players will have to make it through a large portion of the game's storyline before they are able to unlock the Trophy.
It is also something that can be easily missed if they don't know that a Trophy sits on the other end of interacting with the inhabitants at the table. Going past them and continuing the story is something a lot of players have already done.
So they don't have to backtrack or start Chapter 9 from the beginning, here is how to play Mahjong with the robots and unlock the "Cat-a-strophe" Trophy:
- Play through Stray until Chapter 9
- Arrive at Antvillage, watch the cutscene, then climb the ladder to the immediate left
- Walk past the robot painter the pillar and take another direct left
- A platform has two robots playing Mahjong on a small table
- One of the robots is wearing a brownish cloak and the other is in white clothes but has a distinct ready body
- Players simply have to approach the table and jump onto it
- This will see the cat scatter the Mahjong pieces about and, by the game's standards, play along with the robots
- After the pieces have been knocked around, the "Cat-a-strophe" Trophy will be rewarded
The robots will be shocked that their game has been interrupted. They'll throw their hands in the air and make noises. One will bury its head in its hands while the other gives a disapproving look while standing with its hands on its hips.
Players can stand there and take pride in the chaos they cause as the robots react or simply move on, further into Chapter 9. They might want to continue with the impressive story of Stray after earning the "Cat-a-strophe" Trophy.
It is one of the easiest Trophies to obtain in the game, with others requiring a myriad of collectibles or hidden activities that aren't explained too well in the Trophy's description.
At any time, if a player knows they missed their chance and didn't disrupt the game, they can go back with Stray's autosave feature. It comes in handy for opportunities like this.
Just choose to restart Chapter 9, as this can take place right after the introduction cutscene of the Chapter takes place. Just watch it again and follow the instructions after resetting it.
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